Bolshakov Boris Evgenievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, full member of RANS, head of Sustainable Innovative Development Department of “Dubna” University, co-head of International Scientific School of Sustainable Development n.a. P.G. Kuznetsov
The incentive for writing this work was the article of academician N.V. Petrov “Electromagnetic nature of origin of space and time” which I received on August 15, 2017 and under the impression of which I prepared my brief reflection. My comments will consist of two parts. In the first part I give a response to some key statements of the author. In the second part I want to show that all the fundamental concepts, including those related to the electromagnetic phenomena underlying the work of N.V. Petrov, can be expressed in a unified noospheric spatiotemporal LT-language. This article is devoted to this language.
KEYWORDS: universal noospheric LT-language, multidimensional spatiotemporal coordinate system, genome of Universe, genetic memory, energy-information flows, electromagnetic oscillations, law of conservation of rhythmocyclic development of life.