Popov Eugene Borisovich, post-graduate student of Sustainable Innovative Development Department at the International University of Nature, Society & Man “Dubna”, member of the International Scientific School of Sustainable Development named after P.G. Kuznetsov
Gumanovskaya Julia Vladimirovna, master student of Psychology Department at the International University of Nature, Society & Man “Dubna”
The third part of the article considers interdisciplinary business game (IBG) as a system, which is a necessary step in constructing a model of in-game interactions of its participants. The model itself is characterized by the presence of several “layers”, allowing in-depth analysis of the process and the results of IBG. The article also provides recommendations on how to fill reporting on the results of IBG.
KEYWORDS: interdisciplinary business game (IBG), IBG as a system, modelling of in-game interactions, IBG results and process assessment, IBG moderator expert assessment sheet.